Neelam Kumar


I am an AVIGuk accredited supervisor and trainer. I work in Camden as a Joint Interim Principal Educational Psychologist and lead for VIG in the service. We have established 'VIG London' in Camden where we deliver initial training courses and intervision sessions, both face to face and virtually. Supervision is also offered both within Camden and externally. VERP is also a particular area of interest of mine and have successfully delivered projects within the Local Authority.


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Certificate Course Awarded
Diploma in Supervision
Diploma in Supervision - 2011 4 Nov 2020
Scoring Advanced Skills (Part 1)
Scoring Advanced Skills Using the SDS (Part 1) 9 Aug 2021
Badge Course Awarded
Conduct a 1:1 practitioner accreditation (ACC1-1)
Supervisor Path 9 Mar 2023
Conduct a Mid-Point Review 1:1 (ACC MPR)
Supervisor Path 9 Mar 2023
Contribute (but not lead) to the main group in an ITC
Supervisor Path 9 Mar 2023
Data Collection
VIG-Data Collection System-FREE & SELF DIRECTED 8 Mar 2022
Deliver a VERP course
VERP - AVIGuk CPD course for practitioners and supervisors who are already delivering VERP (9 - 12.30) 23 Jan 2024
Lead an ITC (TRA-ITC Lead)
Supervisor Path 9 Mar 2023
Lead small group work on ITC (TRA-SG ITC)
Supervisor Path 9 Mar 2023
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