Zubeida Dasgupta

Area: South East England


I work privately, employed by the nhs family intensive support service and until May 2024 was VIG tutor on the CYP-IAPT at Exeter university. I practise VIG with families with children of all ages and have worked successfully with mothers and babies to fathers with teenagers. I love the fact that VIG can be successful with anyone! I have also used VIG with practitioners in schools, nurseries and colleges.
As a trainer I am able to run Initial Training Courses, from small to large multidiscliplinary groups. As a supervisor I have trained people from a range of professional backgrounds including psychologists, psychotherapists, mental health nurses, social workers within education, health and care settings including professionals working within child protection processes. I have an interest in developing VIG in different countries and cultures and was excited to train and supervise social workers in Tanzania. Although I'm based in Brighton and Hove I am able to travel and also offer online VIG intervention, supervision and training. More recently I have been studying the efficacy of VIG online as part of the University of Sussex Zoom or Room project. For VIG practice, supervision and training: www.yoursussexpsychologist.co.uk


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Certificate Course Awarded
Diploma in Supervision
Diploma in Supervision - 2011 1 Mar 2021
Professional traject plan CPD
AVIGuk Reflecting on my own Professional development Using the Professional Traject Plan 12.30-13.30 24 Mar 2023
Professional traject plan CPD
AVIGuk Reflecting on my own Professional development Using the Professional Traject Plan 12.30-13.30 24 Mar 2023
Scoring Advanced Skills (Part 1)
Scoring Advanced Skills Using the SDS (Part 1) 12 Oct 2021
Badge Course Awarded
Conduct a 1:1 practitioner accreditation (ACC1-1)
Supervisor Path 10 Sep 2021
Conduct a Mid-Point Review 1:1 (ACC MPR)
Supervisor Path 27 Jul 2021
Contribute (but not lead) to the main group in an ITC
Supervisor Path 10 Sep 2021
Data Collection
VIG-Data Collection System-FREE & SELF DIRECTED 8 Mar 2022
Deliver a VERP course
VERP - AVIGuk CPD course for practitioners and supervisors who are already delivering VERP (9 - 12.30) 23 Jan 2024
Lead a Mid-Point Review group TRAiner- MPR
Supervisor Path 10 Sep 2021
Lead an ITC (TRA-ITC Lead)
Supervisor Path 10 Sep 2021
Lead small group work on ITC (TRA-SG ITC)
Supervisor Path 10 Sep 2021
Reliability in tape marking
AVIGuk Tape Marking Path 10 Jul 2024
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