Zubeida Dasgupta

Area: South East England

Awards 13

Diploma in Supervision - 2011 1 Mar 2021
AVIGuk Reflecting on my own Professional development Using the Professional Traject Plan 12.30-13.30 24 Mar 2023
AVIGuk Reflecting on my own Professional development Using the Professional Traject Plan 12.30-13.30 24 Mar 2023
Scoring Advanced Skills Using the SDS (Part 1) 12 Oct 2021
Supervisor Path
Supervisor Path
Supervisor Path
VIG-Data Collection System-FREE & SELF DIRECTED
VERP - AVIGuk CPD course for practitioners and supervisors who are already delivering VERP (9 - 12.30)
Supervisor Path
Supervisor Path
Supervisor Path
AVIGuk Tape Marking Path
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