Chloe Erlam


I am an experienced VIG practitioner, trainer and supervisor and a Chartered Psychologist. I became interested in the effectiveness of Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) in 2009. I have used this technique to enable both individuals and organisations to become more aware of what they are already doing well in the area of communication and interpersonal skills and to highlight how they can develop these abilities to become more successful in achieving their goals. I have found VIG a particularly effective way to empower individuals and create positive change.
Current VIG work includes:
• teaching VIG methodology in leading universities and across the UK;
• supervising a range of professionals using this approach (including Health, Education and Social Care); 
• private referrals through the Courts;
• applying this approach to support GPs and medical Drs to develop patient consultation skills. 


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Certificate Course Awarded
Diploma in Supervision
Diploma in Supervision - 2011 17 May 2021
Professional traject plan CPD
AVIGuk Reflecting on my own Professional development Using the Professional Traject Plan 12.30-13.30 24 Mar 2023
Scoring Advanced Skills (Part 1)
Scoring Advanced Skills Using the SDS (Part 1) 12 Oct 2021
Scoring Advanced Skills (Part 1)
AVIGuk Scoring Advanced Skills Using the SDS (Part 1) 9.15 to 4.30 25 Nov 2022
Badge Course Awarded
Conduct a 1:1 practitioner accreditation (ACC1-1)
Supervisor Path 30 Mar 2022
Conduct a Mid-Point Review 1:1 (ACC MPR)
Supervisor Path 20 Sep 2021
Contribute (but not lead) to the main group in an ITC
Supervisor Path 20 Sep 2021
Deliver a VERP course
VERP - AVIGuk CPD course for practitioners and supervisors who are already delivering VERP (9 - 12.30) 23 Jan 2024
Lead a Mid-Point Review group TRAiner- MPR
Supervisor Path 20 Sep 2021
Lead an ITC (TRA-ITC Lead)
Supervisor Path 7 Feb 2022
Lead small group work on ITC (TRA-SG ITC)
Supervisor Path 20 Sep 2021
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