Stefania Pethica

Area: Wales


Hi, my name is Stefi and I am a Senior Clinical Psychologist. I work in North Wales in a service called LIFT, a joint NHS and local authority project which supports families where toddlers, children or young people display challenging behaviour (in the absence of a mental health/learning disability diagnosis). I have previous experience of using VIG in Perinatal Mental Health Services, CAMHS and Adult Learning Disability Services. I have worked with parents and infants, couples, parents and toddlers, school age children and adult children.
I'm a VIG Advanced Practitioner and also a VIG Trainee Supervisor.


See all
Certificate Course Awarded
Advanced Practitioner Accreditation
Advanced Practitioner Accreditation (original course - now closed) 10 Mar 2022
Diploma in Practice
Angela Latham - Supervised Practice Course 10 Jul 2021
Initial Training Course
ITC - pre Matrix 5 Nov 2020
Introduction to Advanced Practice
Introduction to Advanced Practice 15 Jul 2021
Introduction to Becoming a Supervisor
AVIGuk Introduction to Becoming a Supervisor 9.15 to 4.30 15 Mar 2022
Practitioner Accreditation
Practitioner Accreditation 15 Jul 2021
Trainee Supervisor (SDSS) Masterclass
AVIGuk Trainee Supervisor (SDSS) Masterclass (June 2024) 4 Jun 2024
Badge Course Awarded
Conduct a Mid-Point Review 1:1 (ACC MPR)
Supervisor Path 14 Feb 2024
Contribute (but not lead) to the main group in an ITC
Supervisor Path 4 Jan 2024
Deliver a VERP course
VERP - AVIGuk CPD course for practitioners and supervisors who are already delivering VERP (1-4.30) 23 Feb 2024
Lead small group work on ITC (TRA-SG ITC)
Supervisor Path 4 Jan 2024
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