Sandra Strathie


Hi, I have been a Supervisor since 2002. I have used VIG with families in the most challenging of situations; feeding difficulties, neglect, mental health issues and substance misuse. Working with young children and teenagers I have helped families to have better relationships with each other. I have worked with professional teams using VERP to develop practice in a range of professions including education, health services and psychology and at times to resolve conflict. I am a published author having made contributions to the VIG and VERP books. I can deliver the Introductory 2 day VIG Course online or in person. I am self employed and a Director for Home Start in Dundee, Scotland and an Independent Social Worker and Practice Teacher. Please contact me at glenstrathie@btinternet.com if I can help in any way.


See all
Certificate Course Awarded
Diploma in Supervision
Diploma in Supervision - 2011 4 Nov 2020
Badge Course Awarded
Conduct a 1:1 practitioner accreditation (ACC1-1)
Supervisor Path 23 Mar 2023
Conduct a Mid-Point Review 1:1 (ACC MPR)
Supervisor Path 23 Mar 2023
Conduct a supervisor accreditation (ACC- S)
Supervisor Path 23 Mar 2023
Contribute (but not lead) to the main group in an ITC
Supervisor Path 23 Mar 2023
Deliver a VERP course
VERP - AVIGuk CPD course for practitioners and supervisors who are already delivering VERP (9 - 12.30) 23 Jan 2024
Lead a Mid-Point Review group TRAiner- MPR
Supervisor Path 23 Mar 2023
Lead an ITC (TRA-ITC Lead)
Supervisor Path 23 Mar 2023
Lead small group work on ITC (TRA-SG ITC)
Supervisor Path 23 Mar 2023
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