Please contact me Miriam Craddock at craddockconsultancy@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you. I am able to offer independent VIG supervision and VIG work for Local Authorities, thank you.
Testimonials from supervisees
I just wanted to send a compliment for Miriam please - she has been a fabulous supervisor me for me as I have worked through my training to become an accredited Video Interaction Guidance practitioner. Miriam is an excellent supervisor and trainer in VIG, so thoughtful and positive in using these skills for supporting families in their interaction with their children, and I am so grateful to her. She has gone above and beyond in offering me the support I have needed to get this point. I’m looking forward to using the intervention further going forward.
Dr Caroline Sivasundaram
Educational Psychologist
I just wanted to write and thank Miriam for the support she has given me, as I worked through my training to become an accredited Video Interactive Practitioner (VIG). She has been an amazing supervisor and excellent trainer in VIG. During my training Miriam was empathetic, positive in the support she gave me, to develop my skills when working with parents to enhance the positive interactions between themselves and their children. Miriam really encouraged me, helping me through the process not only of my training but also helping me develop the paperwork and processes to enable me to integrate VIG, into the charity that I work for. Miriam’s enthusiasm for the positive outcomes that can be achieved by VIG have nurtured my own thoughts, ideas and I am looking forward to further developing my VIG skills as I move forward to start the Advanced training.
Thank you
Juliette Bywater
Therapeutic Practitioner, Qualified Health Visitor and Trained Counselor
Cambridge Acorn Project; Therapeutic services for children and families in Cambridgeshire
Research and Publications
1. Approaches - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy “Using VERP for the continuing professional development of a team of music therapists: evaluations and reflections. July 2023
2. VERP project Cambridgeshire - Miriam Craddock and Kirsten Branigan “The Fields Children Centre” Attuned Interactions www.attunedinteractions.wordpress.com
A little bit about me -
I work in the South West (Bath and surrounding area) and am excited to be able to bring my VIG Supervisor and Advanced Practitioner skills to this region. I have previously worked in Cambridgeshire, Essex and Norfolk - across East Anglia - supervising a range of professionals who are training in VIG and using it in their practice with families, school staff and professionals, and appreciate the rapid impact that VIG can have for children, young people and their families.
I have also facilitated and worked with others to set up VERP projects to support the professional development of a range of professional groups; including senior family workers, music therapists and most recently with Educational Psychologists in training at the University of East Anglia 2019-2021 where I established the model to support the development of consultation skills in EP practice, by drawing on and adapting VERP for this purpose having reading the Leadbetter and Murray article.
In 2021, with one of my VIG trainees, I used VERP as a model with the staff team as a strengths based model for professional practice for CambridgeshireMusic for the County wide team of Music Therapists.
Additionally I have previously worked collaboratively with a Senior family worker to facilitate a Baby Watching Project based on the principles of "Watch, Wait, Wonder"with VIG in a local Children and Family Centre combined with a mum and baby group; integrating Moni Cellibi’s model into practice, and evaluated its impact using TME (Targeted, Monitoring and Evaluation) pre and post intervention, and presented this at the Cornwall Conference.
I have always enjoyed collaborating with other VIG Supervisors and in my time as a Supervisor I have helped to organise three Initial Training Courses in VIG, eg. One for our EP team in Cambridgeshire/Suffolk/Clinical Psychologists in the Compass Norfolk colleagues at the Fenland Business Centre, one for Health Visitor colleagues, and one for EPs. I have also co-led a Mid Point Review day in Cambridgeshire with Jo Fowler for colleagues across two teams (Clinicians in Social Care & EPs) on the old training pathway, and led the groups on this day. I also delivered final accreditations for both Health Visitors and colleagues training with “For Baby’s Sake” working with Judith Rees’ team. Www.forbabysake.co.uk on the old training pathway.
In summary I have have helped to train a wide variety of professionals from differing backgrounds in VIG : 5 Educational Psychologists, 1 Clinical Psychologist, 3 Health Visitors, 1 Music Therapist and have just complete the training for a Therapeutic Practitioner who works for the Cambridge Acorn Project which supports children and their families who have been affected by domestic violence. www.cambridgeacornproject.org.uk/
I have also set up InterVision for VIG practitioners in Cambridgeshire, following the Suffolk model, to bring together VIG practitioners in a supportive peer supervision network which has included health visitors, midwives clinicians, EPs and Therapeutic Practitioners that used to meet in Huntingdon prior to the pandemic.
Whilst working as a tutor and lecturer on the EdPsyD programme at University of East Anglia, Norwich, in 2019-2021, I integrated, adapted and developed a VERP training model onto the course to support the professional development of Trainee Educational Psychologists in developing their consultation skills, based on the Murray & Leadbetter paper (2018): Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP). This aims of implementing this within the new EdPsyD Programme was to support the development of trainee educational psychologists’ consultation and peers supervision skills. (Educational Psychology in Practice) which was well received by trainees. I have also led and enabled VERP projects for different professional groups including a group of Music Therapists from Cambridgeshire Music https://www.cambridgeshiremusic.org.uk/ and Senior Family Workers (see publications). I have also served on the AVIGuk Board in the past, and love being part of the VIG community.
Profile - VIG, VERP, testimonials and research publications.
In summary, I am a fully accredited advanced VIG supervisor and experienced VIG practitioner, delivering supervision for colleagues training in VIG, as well as continually developing my own VIG practice to bring systems (family, school, professionals) together to promote longer lasting change. I was commissioned previously by a Children's Centre to provide VERP, and the Cambridgeshire Music team for an VERP project also.
In relation to VERP, as I have been involved in setting up several VERP projects within a range of contexts, I would be interested in hearing from any professional groups who are curious about using VERP to develop their own professional practice. Having used VERP as a professional training model with the Cambridgeshire Music team, I am currently working on developing VERP as a model for reflection with school staff (teachers and teaching assistants), and working on publishing another research paper. I would be happy to hear from you, if you have ideas of how VERP could be used in your own professional context as it is a powerful and enabling model for professional development in teams. I would love to hear from you if you feel I could work with you to either develop you or the skills of your team.